
Please complete the on-line application form below. This application form has an initial payment of $250 payment so that paid work hours can begin the process. This application fee is part of the overall cost and is not additional. You will be prompted for this after you click the SUBMIT button at the end of the form below.

What qualifications are you applying for?
BSB50820 Diploma of Project Management
BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership & Management
BSB60420 Advanced Diploma of Leadership & Management
BSB50120 Diploma of Business
BSB60420 Advanced Diploma of Business
Surname *
Given Names *
Date of Birth
Mobile phone number *
Email *
Second Email (optional)
Residential Address
Postal Address
Country of Birth
Main language at home
English level
Very well
Not well
Not at all
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander origin
No neither Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander
Yes Aboriginal
Yes Torres Strait Islander
Yes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Do you consider yourself to have a disability, impairment or long-term condition (optional)?
Disabilities if yes above (optional)
Mental Illness
Acquired Brain Impairment
Medical Condition
Highest completed school level
Year 12 or equivalent
Year 11 or equivalent
Year 10 or equivalent
Year 9 or equivalent
Year 8 or below
Never attended school
Calendar year you finished schooling
Are you still enrolled in secondary or senior secondary education?
Have you SUCCESSFULLY completed any of the below qualifications?
Prior Education
Bachelor Degree or Higher Degree
Advanced Diploma or Associate Degree
Diploma or Associate Diploma
Certificate IV (or Advanced Certificate / Technician)
Certificate III (or Trade Certificate)
Certificate II
Certificate I
Other education (including certificates or overseas qualifications not listed above)
Best description of your current employment status
Full-time employee
Part-time employee
Self-employed - not employing others
Self-employed - employing others
Employed - unpaid worker in a family business
Unemployed - seeking full-time work
Unemployed - seeking part-time work
Not employed - not seeking employment
Best reason for applying
To get a job
To develop my existing business
To start my own business
To try for a different career
To get a better job or promotion
It was a requirement of my job
I wanted extra skills for my job
To get into another course of study
For personal interest or self-development
To get skills for community / voluntary work
Other reasons
Please confirm you were given access to the "Privacy Notice" above.*
Yes (link at top of page)
Please confirm you are aware of the website "Student Handbook" above.*
Yes (link at top of page)
How did you find us?
How do you wish to be invoiced?*
60% upfront. 40% end of process.
25% each fortnight.
Please provide the invoice number

Please provide the details of the party who will be making the payment

Organisation Name
Contact Name *
Email *
Phone Number